
Blogs of Ill Repute
  • Webby's Blog- My best friend's blog that proves his obsession/love for men's fashion.  I like to read his articles, then dress the opposite of his advice in order to annoy him.  In all honesty, though, he's my goto guy for clothing tips.
  • D332- This is the website formally known as The Art of Not Passing.  After I finished being pissed about my first choice blog title being already taken, I was actually pretty interested in his website.  I recommend it.
  • Kate Bornstein's Blog- First I read Hello, Cruel World, hir book on surviving suicidal thoughts and emotions.  Then I read Gender Outlaw.  Now in love.
 Gender Related Websites
  • Genderfork- Though I suppose it's really more of a blog, the sheer amount of photos, video, and accounts of nonbinary gender on this site makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.
  • Inga Muscio- Inga wrote Cunt: A Declaration of Independence, which is a necessary read regardless of what's between your legs.  However, her studies of the lady bits certainly made me more comfortable with mine.  I'm not sure what to say.  Get over the title and read it.
  • What is Gender?- A great forum that not has boards for ftm and mtf, but also has a lovely community for everyone in between.
  • FTM: Scouting the Unknown- One FTM man's experiences with transition, coming  out, etc.  Very informative, and good to hear a personal story about it, rather than statistics.
 Other Sites That Make Me Warm and Fuzzy